Monday, January 15, 2007

Some Congrats

I Just want to say congratulations to some of the victors in this weekends YLCBC executive elections.
First to Braeden Caley. Braeden is one of the hardest-working and most dedicated Liberals I know. Choosing between him and Andrew Phillps was one of the hardest decisions that i have had to make in this party. While i would like like to do a complete bum move and not disclose who i voted for, I will say that I hope that these two will continue to work productively together, with Braeden as president, and Andrew as youth co-chair; they have the ability to be a truly dynamic duo.
Next, my boys Josh and Gurminder from West Vancouver-Sunshine Coast-Sea-To-Sky Country, mad props. They were elected as VP Communications and Secretary respectively. These two showed incredible dedication when we worked to get Blair Wilson elected, and i know they will continue to do so.
To Cait McCallum, I ultimately decided not to run against you, and it was a good call, i know you will do an amazing job as Women's Rep. Keep up the efforts to being more women into the party.
I don't really know Nan Wang, but I'm sure he's an alright guy.
I won't try to hide the fact that i didn't vote for Rocky Xiong, i voted for Mia, because she has been an amazing friend to me during my time in the party, and i have no doubt she would have excelled at VP External, but i met Rocky briefly (after i had voted) and he seems like a really good guy, and i think he will do his duty with great dedication and the spirit of Rocky Balboa.
Finally, the Unity Slate candidates, I know some of you well, and some of you I don't know at all, but I'm sure you were chosen by both candidates because of your talents. In particular I'd like to make a shout-out to Geoff and Paige. You two rock.
This election was tough for me, I saw good friends win and good friends loose, but i know that we will all work together to make the next government a Liberal government.

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